Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Minister Coughlan Resign

The news that the closure of the Mallow beet factory was based on out of date information supplied or held by the European Commission is an absolute thundering disgrace. These are the same people sending over Olli Rehn to check on or budget plans and to see if the opposition parties are more or less in agreement with the Government Parties so that whoever is in power Europe can be sure that its status will be upheld.

It is quiet ironic that the cost of borrowing has gone up nearly 2% in just over a week. There is definitely some “strategy” behind this as there are no financial grounds for such an increase. Now I think Europe will blame Ireland for pressure on the Euro and as one expert explained on radio this am., they can play with Ireland ad-infinitum because our GDP as a percentage of Europe’s is insignificant. So in actual fact we are being conditioned to be Guinea Pigs.

I spoke with some farmers over the past number of weeks before this story about the sugar beet factory at Mallow broke today. I was concerned why they closed the plant in the first place and especially as to why they did not diversify into ethanol or alcohol production instead of sugar production. The farmers told me that they had mooted that option but unless the factory was closed completely they would not qualify for compensation. For a country that imports most of its fuel that decision beggar’s belief. It is a decision made by an incompetent Minister Coughlan who was not up to speed with what was going on and who did not have the GUTS to stand up to Europe and protect our farmers and the thousands of ancillary jobs associated with this industry.

There is alot of talk about our independence and sovereignty these past few days especially with the visit of Olli Rehn. There is no fear of losing out sovereignty as we have already lost it, especially on this issue of Mallow. Utter shame on our current Tánaiste who was then Minister for Agriculture. I would like to ask how Minister Coughlan feels today having sold down the drain the livelihoods of so many good decent Irish farmers and the workers at Mallow. Shame on you Minister; do you think you are worth €280,000-00 plus per year. You are not worth 2 Cents to this economy or to Ireland.

 You need to resign, this Govern that you are a minister in needs to resign, you are all an infliction on Irish society. Get the hell out of our lives because YOU are destroying lives. Time for real change in this country; To hell with Gombeen politics;          

Emerald Quill        

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