Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Senate and The President

Can somebody tell me did our President invite our Senators to afternoon tea or did they invite themselves? It seems to me a snub to the ordinary working person that all members of an outdated and dis-functional Seanad should be invited to The Aras. Clearly at a time when our elected representatives are paying over €1300-00 for an overnight at a hotel and running up endless bills on taxis and so forth, what is the paltry significance of an afternoon tea invite.
The significance of it is that our President chose or was invited to choose to invite all members of Seanad Eireann in a show of defiance and a thumbs up to the ordinary people of this country.
"Seanad Eireann plays an important and indispensable role in the political affairs of Ireland" says our President. Well I do not think so. The Seanad should be abolished. It is outdated and no longer serves the people of this Country.

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